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Flashfire - Pokemon TCGL Codes
Flashfire - Pokemon TCGL Codes

Flashfire - Pokemon TCGL Codes

Your Price: $0.49
Availability: 0 Out of stock.
Feature: AF5-4LN7-RXJ-N5J
Flash Fire XY

Flash Fire XY is the second of the XY set. This set will make sparks fly! Flashfire is mostly fire-type with the center of attention Charizard and super strong trainers. Flashfire is the first set in PTCG to feature Mega Evolution EX cards. With cards in this set, there shall be flames! Charizard EX. Mega Charizard Y EX, Mega Charizard X EX, Pyroar, Milotic, and many more.

Pokemon TCG Flash fire XY Codes contains the following PTCGL Cards:

  • New Mega Evolution Pokémon - The expansion features two powerful versions of Mega Charizard-EX (one Fire type, one Dragon-type)
  • 5 new Pokémon-EX cards - Charizard-EX
  • Over 25 New Pokémon from the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y video games appear in the XY - Flashfire
  • 15 new Trainer cards - New Item, Supporter, and Stadium cards bring increased strategy to competitive battles

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