Detective Pikachu Pokemon TCG Set was released after the movie. With only 27 Pokemon TCGL cards inspired by the movie this set sure is special. Pokemon Codes contain 4 cards per digital pack. In Detective Pikachu Pokemon TCG Live codes you can get the following PTCGL cards: Detective Pikachu, Mewtwo, Greninja, Mr. Mime, Dito, Charizard and many more. Pokemon Detective Pikachu Codes Contain: The Pokémon TCG: Detective Pikachu expansion contains 27 cards. Cards numbered 1/18 through 18/18 are available in Detective Pikachu 4-card booster packs. The remaining promo cards are available in specific Detective Pikachu collections. Codes can Include Promo Pikachu and Coin Flip of Detective Pikachu Figure.
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